Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for your convenience. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.
Q: How can I sign up for Meals on Wheels?
A: We partner with the Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) to assess potential new Meals on Wheels clients. To get started, please call CVCOA's Help Line at 802-477-1364.
Q: What towns does Mad River Seniors serve?
A: Waitsfield, Fayston, Moretown, and Warren
Q: Who comes to your Monday breakfasts and how much do they cost?
A: The entire Mad River Valley community is welcome! The cost per plate is $10-$15+ per person (you choose the price that feels right for you), and all proceeds go directly to Mad River Seniors to support Meals on Wheels and our other programs.
Q. Who comes to your Tuesday lunches and how much do they cost?
A: Every Tuesday, Chef Claudia serves a home-cooked, family style luncheon at Evergreen Place. Guests of all ages are welcome! Our luncheon is free for everyone 60+ (donations appreciated) and $6 for guests.
Q. Does Mad River Seniors have a senior center?
Mad River Seniors rents space in the Evergreen Place complex on Main Street in Waitsfield for cooking, serving community meals and Meals on Wheels, and hosting many of our senior programs. Evergreen is owned and run by Downstreet, a non-profit housing and community development organization that serves Central Vermont. It is not a senior center, but because many of our operations take place there, some people consider it our senior center facility.
Q: How can I find out news about Mad River Seniors events and services?
A: Check the Dates to Remember section of our Home page and read about events in our local
Front Porch Forum, and in The Valley Reporter. You may also sign up at the bottom of Home page to receive our monthly newsletter.
Q: How can I sign up for a Free Wheelin' ride?
A: Call 802-249-3427. For more information, refer to the Free Wheelin' website.
Q: Who runs Mad River Seniors?
A: All budgeting, programming, and fundraising decisions are made by a local volunteer Board of Directors. The organization employs two part-time chefs and one part-time administrator.
Q: Is Mad River Seniors a non-profit organization?
A: Yes, we are a registered 501c3 health and human services organization
Q. How can I donate to Mad River Seniors to support your mission, activities, and services?
A: Thank you for asking! You may donate online or mail a check to our office (see address below). Make checks payable to Mad River Seniors to support all our programs or Mad River Seniors MOW to specifically support Meals on Wheels.